Using 3D models

3D models, digitally or as printed objects, can be used in a number of areas in museums, internally and publicly.

3D models can supplement other media or be used independently for various kinds of documentation or to convey various information.

Examples of uses at museums

• 3D models can be a complement to physical exhibitions, where the models can show angles and details that are invisible to the naked eye through the display glass.

• Alone, or alongside still photos and video clips, 3D models make collections accessible to persons who for various reasons cannot physically visit a museum.

• 3D models in digital form make objects in storage accessible, regardless of the physical exhibition space and physical access to said space.

• Documentation in the conservation of objects, ancient remains, and the condition of and possible damage to buildings.

• Documentation of ongoing archaeological investigations.

• Resource for various types of interactive applications, where the user can turn, zoom, and interact with the objects in web-based or mobile applications.

• Support when holding presentations, giving guided tours, or during educational activities.

• Increased accessibility for persons with various kinds of disabilities. For example: impaired vision, mobility problems, and cognitive impairments.

• Printed 3D models can provide tactile support during guided tours and presentations.

• 3D-printing larger versions of small objects can increase the understanding of these objects.